Rejoice Counseling Apostolate offers individual, marriage, and family counseling here on-site at St. Bartholomew, for a sliding scale fee.
Contact them at 844-295-3167.
Schedule Time for Christ
In the book Searching for and Maintaining Peace, Fr. Jacques Philippe suggests, “to contemplate Jesus…is what really inspires confidence.” Jesus is the companion you need to give you hope for the journey. He provides the road map forward, allowing you to rest easy and know that you do not need to blindly navigate through these fear-inducing days. You can take a step closer to lasting peace by spending time with Christ.
Explore Different Prayers
Prayer is the armor that enables you to face any crisis with a level head. Your spiritual health relies on a persistent prayer life to get you through the ups and downs of daily life. By praying the rosary, meditating on Sacred Scripture, participating in the Mass, and other daily devotions, you remain connected to God. Like a daily vitamin, prayer provides the nutrients you need for a healthy spiritual life.
Focus on Hope
Hope can be fleeting in a time of crisis. You may be left with questions, but God is present in your suffering. Christ is the light that shines through the darkness. By nurturing your hope in the Lord, you can look at the light that dispels the darkness. The closer you stand to Christ the light, the more you recognize how to move forward.
Reflect Daily on Gratitude
Looking for God’s guiding hand, especially in a difficult situation, is important to staying positive through life’s challenges. Devoting yourself to daily reflections of gratitude will strengthen a spirit of joy. The quarantine can be a time that we grow deeper in our love for the Lord. In the book The Way Furrow the Forge, St. Josemaria Escriva asserts, “Not all of us can become rich, wise, famous…Yet, all of us are called to be saints.” You may not become rich materially, especially in this time of layoffs and furloughs, but you can become spiritually rich. Today is the day to be a saint!
Read more on the Catholic Counselors’ blog at