We offer our parishioners a way to sacrificial give electronically. You are invited to register through Faith Direct. This platform will allow you to make regular offertory contributions (monthly, weekly, one-time, or catchup) conveniently from any device connected to the internet. You may also contribute to the second collection through Faith Direct as well as to our outreach ministries. Online giving brings consistency to our budget and helps our parish use our financial resources effectively. To set up your donations for offertory collections, other parish collections, and events, or to make a one-time donation click here or on the image below to sign up with Faith Direct online giving. Our parish code is TX896.
As always, you can also provide donations in the following ways:
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church
Attn: Jamie Williams, Bookkeeping Dept.
5356 11TH Street, Katy, TX 77493
Thank you for your continued support of
St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church.
Note: Envelopes can be mailed to your home monthly and are also available at the back of the church for your convenience.