This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
Altar Servers Practices: The Extraordinary Traditional Latin Mass Altar boy's practice is every 2nd Saturday at 8 am. The Ordinary Mass, Novus Ordo, Altar servers practice for boys and girls is every 4th Saturday at 8 am. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.
This altar servers practices, boys and girls, on the 4th Sat of the month at 8 am is for the ordinary form of the Mass called Novus Ordo. It is an altar servers practice for boys and girls. Mr. David Robson leads the practices.