St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church
5356 11th St. Katy, TX 77493
Phone: 281-391-4758 | Fax: 281-391-3978
If you have an emergency for the sick or dying,
or if someone is in need of anointing,
please call 713-787-3930 for a priest.
This directs you to a 24-hour answering service.
The service will contact the on-call clergy.
Si tiene una emergencia de alguien enfermo o moribundo,
o si alguien necesita unción,
por favor llame al 713-787-3930 para un sacerdote.
Esto lo dirige a un servicio de contestador las 24 horas.
El servicio se comunicará con el clero de guardia.
When a loved one is in the hospital and it is an emergency, you can ask the nurse’s station (or the pastoral care department of the hospital) to call the Catholic Chaplain Corps priest or the parish responsible for hospital coverage to receive a more immediate visit.
For an updated list of individual chaplains to the hospitals and their contact information, please visit The Catholic Chaplain Corps, or call 713-747-8445.
Download and complete:
Registration Form
Forma de Inscripción
Mail it to:
5356 11th Street,
Katy, TX 77493
drop it off at the
Parish Office
email it to [email protected]
While Jesus lived on earth, many people asked Him to be healed. Some went to Jesus, such as the blind man, and Jesus went to some, such as Lazarus. Today, we can’t simply ask Christ himself to come to our house or hospital since he ascended into Heaven, however, we can ask His priests, who have Christ himself present in them, to come and anoint us or our loved ones and ask for Christ’s healing through the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
The question is, when should I call a priest for anointing versus asking for a pastoral care visit?
A priest can be called in any serious illness because the priest has a duty to visit the sick and administer the sacraments they need. (Baltimore Catechism no. 3. Reprinted by Seton Press. Front Royal, VA, 2012. P. 306)
An anointing can be scheduled when one is ill without waiting until the moment of death. It is better not to wait until someone is near death to call a priest; please call as soon as the person is admitted to the hospital.
At St. Bartholomew, if you are in immediate need of a priest for anointing, please call the emergency line at 713-787-3930.
A person can also ask the priest to be anointed if they are about to have surgery or have come down with a major illness.
To make an appointment to be anointed due to a major illness or before surgery, please call the office at 281-391-4758.
The beauty of our faith is that we don’t always need a priest in particular. Unless you need to be anointed for the above-mentioned reasons, there are many other people who can help you through an illness or time of need. The Pastoral Care Office and the Office of Outreach here at St. Bartholomew offer beautiful services such as bringing Communion and visiting the sick.
To schedule a visit from Sr. Lucy or Sr. Raphaella, please call the office at 281-391-4758.
“Is anyone among you sick? Let him bring in the presbyters of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of Faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him.” -James 5:14-15